Shofar The Sound Of Covenant

Available in English, Traditional Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia and Tagalog, this book covers practical shofar basics for beginners, but also outlines the scriptural foundation and key principles for wielding it as a prophetic tool in worship and spiritual warfare. Learn about the Shofar as Sound of Covenant, Sound of Repentance and Awakening, the Long Blast of Yobel, Corporate Sounding of the Shofar and much more.

“This book fills the huge gap in the understanding and appreciation of the shofar and its blowing amongst Christians today… and takes us to the most profound mystery of the shofar and its use which is the Covenant of YHVH with His people.”

Rev. Ng Koon Sheng, St Paul’s Church, Singapore

“What a fine and truly scriptural book Kum Pui has written, showing the spiritual importance and significance of the Biblical-based blowing of the shofar and trumpet, giving various reasons and examples for this practice. Pastors and Christian believers will do well to study and incorporate these practices in the pursuit of their ministry unto the Lord.”

Rev. Jan Willem van der Hoeven, International Christian Zionist Center, Israel

“Its Biblical insight in this indispensable landmark handbook on shofar blowing and its significance is a must-read for all upcoming and potential blowers.”

Rev. Collin Gordon, Trinity Community Centre, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

“This powerful little book reveals deep truths about the multifaceted nature of the heavenly sounds of the shofar. It is concise, revelatory, practical, an easy-to-read and a must-read for everyone. Use it to equip yourself and others so that we can sound the shofar together, releasing His presence into the earth, with understanding and revelation until the Lord answers back with the Great Last Trump!”

Retha Venter, South Africa

Author’s Preface

I visited Israel in 2002 and brought back a small ram’s horn. At that time, I had no understanding about its significance. To me, it was just a nice souvenir to remember my first visit to the Holy Land. I only started to blow the shofar in 2005 when the Lord told me to sound the shofar every Friday at midnight. One day, I had a vision of an angel blowing the trumpet on a Christmas float… » read more

  • This book is highly recommendable. In the days when God is restoring the sound of the shofar, Christians must learn its prophetic significance. God is moving in the world. He is restoring Israel and sparking revivals in many places. It is the sound of the shofar that is the Sound of Covenant...

    Rev. Alfredo Festin Praise Revival Center, Davao City, Philippines
  • This book should be read by all in the prophetic company. The shofar is God’s instrument of breakthrough in the End Times. God has called Kum Pui to be a prophetic voice to the nations. He has taught many to sound the shofar internationally, opening the heavens and bringing forth the glory of God.

    Rev. David Enoch Lee CI Global Network Singapore
  • 当 我 拿 到 Kum Pui 弟 兄 的 出 版 手 稿《号 角 - 盟 约 的 声 音》时,我 一 口 气 就 把 它 读 完 了 ;这 真 可 说 是 一 本 完 整 清 晰 认 识 号 角 真 理 的 好 书。我 要 推 荐 这 本 书 给 所 有 想 更 深 入 了 解 号 角 之 先 知 性 意 义 的 弟 兄 姐 妹。 ____________________________________________

    Rev. David James Tan God’s Kingdom 611 Bread Of Life Church, Singapore
  • Buku ini memberikan penjelasan yang sangat mendetail mengenai sejarah, penggunaan, arti profetik, bahkan sampai hal-hal teknis mengenai sangkakala yang harus diketahui oleh para penggunanya. Setelah anda membaca buku ini, saya percaya setiap tiupan sangkakala yang anda lakukan akan menjadi lebih powerful!

    Dr. Hanny Andries GBI Tabgha, Batam, Indonesia
  • Reading the book allows the reader to be more deliberate with each blow and maximize its use and purpose in worship and in declaring victory. Discover how to declare from the mountaintops to all the world that indeed, if God be for us, who can be against us? So rise up and let the resounding sound of the shofar ring throughout the land!

    Mario Osmeña Junior Jesus Reigns, Philippines

The Prophetic Significance Of The Feasts Of The Lord

Many of us are familiar with the celebrations of Christmas and Easter as these are events that are celebrated in the Church today. However, not many are familiar with the seven Feasts of the Lord in the Bible – Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Tabernacles.

What are these Feasts and why were they instituted? Are they still relevant and significant for the Church today to commemorate and celebrate? How do we celebrate the Feasts especially as Gentile believers? How did the first coming of Jesus Christ fulfil the Spring Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Pentecost? How will the Fall Feasts of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Tabernacles find their fulfilment in the second coming of our Lord Jesus? Written from a Gentile perspective, this book looks into the prophetic significance of the celebration of the Feasts of the Lord.

  • Although I have read several books on the Feasts of the Lord, and taught on this, I was still refreshed with new insights as I reviewed Kum Pui's book. It is written with the local readers' level of knowledge and perspective of our Jewish roots and relevance of such things to our Biblical faith. Others have written with their own people in mind. Furthermore, there are interesting insights of the prophetic and eschatological aspects in this book not highlighted in others. It is a good read for those just beginning to discover that Israel and the Old Testament have not been superseded by the Church and Christianity.

    Rev. Ng Koon Sheng St Paul’s Church, Singapore
  • This book is truly a blueprint from heaven. It is a pure and true reflection of the Father's heart with great prophetic insight by the author. My prayer is that the anointing on these words will destroy many religious and anti-Semitic yokes that are on God's children. We are truly living in the times of the restoration of all things, and Israel will further fulfill her destiny in God to be a Light to the Nations, Tikkun Olam! The mysteries of God are being unveiled, He shares His secrets with those who fear Him and one of these glorious mysteries will be unveiled soon when the two sticks become ONE in God's hand for the restoration of the whole house of Israel.

    Retha Venter South Africa
  • The Feasts of the Lord have with them a lot of prophetic significance. These are a neglected area to any student of prophecy. People are missing many significant truths when they do not study the Feast Days of God. Likewise, many do not know that these are God’s “moedim” or His divinely appointed seasons whereby His people on earth must learn to gather to be with God because these are sacred convocations or holy rehearsals of things to come. This book has many revelations and insights to offer to anyone who wants to know God’s timetable. I am endorsing this great book to any of God’s people who are open to learn and understand the Hebraic heritage of their Christian faith. May you find yourself blessed as you read this wonderful work.

    Rev. Alfredo Festin Praise Revival Center, Davao City, Philippines
  • Wow! All of heaven must have waited for “such a time as this” for the release of the anointed revelation penned down in the pages of this God-ordained book. It is so refreshing to read something so revelatory of the significance of the Lord’s Feasts. Kum Pui’s writings and teachings are filled with great prophetic direction of how to press into the Lord through observing His Feast days. I believe this book will, for the first time, answer the questions curious people are seeking in their quest to understand the significance of the Lord’s Feasts. This is a “must read” and I strongly recommend this book for your own benefit.

    Rev. Collin Gordon Trinity Community Centre, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia